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Keep Christ in Christmas
Faith, News, Programs

Keep Christ in Christmas

Worthy Grand Knights: I am Dennis Vaglica and I am the Alabama State Chairman for Keep Christ in Christmas. Just as a reminder to get the discounted price of English/Spanish cases they must be ordered before September 25. Color Brochure (which you will get 25 copies with case order or you can purchase them in groups of 50). Council price list Please consider this evangelization program as one of the sixteen programs that you would have to do. If you have any questions you can contact me via email (in the directory) or you can call me at 334-737-8276. Thank you in advance for your participation.Dennis VaglicaAlabama State ChairmanKeep Christ in Christmas
Remembrances of Archbishop Lipscomb

Remembrances of Archbishop Lipscomb

The current and many prior State Deputies of the Alabama State Council share memories about Archbishop-Emeritus Oscar H. Lipscomb. Archbishop Lipscomb passed away on the morning of July 15, 2020. He was the first Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Mobile, its eighth bishop, a life-long native of Mobile, and had been retired since 2008. Joseph E. Flaherty, III - State Deputy Dear Brother Knights and Ladies in Christ,It is with great sadness that I learned of the death of Archbishop-Emeritus of Mobile Oscar H. Lipscomb on Wednesday morning. On behalf of my brother Knights and Ladies across the State of Alabama I would like to express our shared sincere condolences on his passing. Archbishop Lipscomb was a very well respected and beloved person in the Archdiocese of Mobile and in th...
State Deputy 2020 Organizational Meeting Remarks

State Deputy 2020 Organizational Meeting Remarks

Welcome to the 2020 Alabama State Council Virtual Organizational Kick-Off Meeting. First I would like to thank the retiring officers for job well done and especially to our State Chaplin Fr Dan Good and Immediate Past State Deputy Jason Esteve for their leadership and guidance, thank you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of my Brother Knights for attending this Organizational Meeting. It is a great honor to be your State Deputy and I feel especially proud to know that you my Brother Knights have the confidence in me to lead the State Council. I promise you that I will give the State nothing less than 100% of myself to ensure that we continue to grow and once again have the successes that we have had in the past. With your continuing support I know we will be su...
State Organizational Meeting – July 11, 2020

State Organizational Meeting – July 11, 2020

The 2020 Virtual State Organizational Kick-Off Meeting is this Saturday, July 11th 2020, at 9:00 AM. Please send the State Secretary, Danny Garcia, a summary of your report that you are going present at the Kick-off meeting. Each Council needs to have a Representative at is Virtual Meeting. Meeting Materials This section will be updated with other documents as they are provided. Agenda - DownloadMinutes of the 2019 State Organizational Meeting - Download Reports Submitted Chaplain - Fr. Jim HeddermanFaith Director - Deacon John CooperCommunity Director - Maurice DupontLife Director - Skip GentleUltrasound Statistics - Skip GentleIntellectual Disabilities - Ron BelzTraining Director - Alan CannonCeremonials Chairman - Griffin Shreves Slides and Video Links La...
State and District Meetings Held Virtually; Officers Elected

State and District Meetings Held Virtually; Officers Elected

This weekend State Officers, Delegates, Sir Knights, Brother Knights, their wives and families were planning to be in Huntsville, AL for the 117th Annual State Convention and the Fourth Degree Biennial Meeting. As is the case with many events recently, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and the "Stay at Home" orders from local and state officials, both of these in-person meetings needed to be canceled. In light of these changes, it was still necessary to meet in some way to conduct the business of the state. For the State Council, resolutions needed to be passed, State Council Officers for the next term needed to be elected, and State Delegates to the Supreme Convention needed to be selected. For the Fourth Degree District, nominations for the next Master of the District needed t...
State Meeting Materials

State Meeting Materials

Here are the materials for the State Meeting to be held Thursday, April 23, 2020, at 6:00pm. Supreme Knight's Greeting Letter to Alabama State Deputy Virtual State Meeting Special Rules of Order 2019 Minutes State Convention - Birmingham, AL - April 27, 2019 State Meeting - Prattville - July 20, 2019 Reports of Committees, Chairmen, & Directors Resolutions & Bylaws Committee Audit Committee Convention and Location Committee Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities ID Fund: FY19 Net and FY20 Report Figures ID Fund: District Deputies' Dispersions Financial Secretary Trainer Health Services Committee Keep Christ in Christmas Chairman Silver Rose Schedule Special Olympics Chairman Reports of State Officers ...
Delegate Form (Update 3)

Delegate Form (Update 3)

Here is the 2020 Delegate Form for the Alabama State Council Business Meeting. Please fill out the form and mail it to me.
COVID-19 Cancellations

COVID-19 Cancellations

The following events have been canceled due to the current guidelines from the CDC about large gatherings: North Regional Meetings - March 28 in Huntsville & March 29 in BirminghamFourth Degree Exemplification - April 4 in HuntsvilleState Convention - April 24-26 in HuntsvilleBiennial meeting of the Fourth Degree - April 26 in Huntsville The State Deputy of the Alabama State Council sent the following out via email this morning: The State Officers and I met via telecon last night to discuss the recent challenges that gripped our country and its affects on upcoming events.  Many churches are closing except for Masses which severely limits our ability to meet for the scheduled North Regional Meetings.  Even if they were open, the CDC has suggested that groups of more than 50 no...
Novena for Life 2020
Faith in Action, Life, News

Novena for Life 2020

A Novena for Life sponsored by Knights of Columbus Alabama State Council will be held from January 21st until January 29th to pray for a culture of life and civilization of love in our community, nation and world.  Each evening beginning at 8pm Central Time, attendees may join on the phone or via the internet to lift our voices in prayer.  This year, we will also hold prayers in Spanish beginning at 8:15pm Central Time. A novena is a period of sustained prayer over nine days for a particular intention. Community members are encouraged to pray in their homes or to join us via telephone or online on each of the nine days of the novena.The protection of life is a sustained prayer intention of the Catholic Church and of the Knights of Columbus. A Nov...
“Tootsie Roll” 5K Run/Walk in support of Madison City Schools Intellectual Disabilities students
Life, News

“Tootsie Roll” 5K Run/Walk in support of Madison City Schools Intellectual Disabilities students

The Knights of Columbus of Madison is conducting a fundraising drive during the months of October and November 2019 as part of a nationwide campaign, held annually, to aid local agencies that support people with Intellectual Disabilities. This year we are conducting our second annual 5K Run/Walk in an effort to increase our fundraising and involve the community. In addition to our standard methods of storefront (stand in storefronts and hand out Tootsie Rolls) and pass through solicitations (facilitate the donations from businesses directly to an agency), our “Tootsie Roll” 5K Run/Walk provides the opportunity for community participation and support. The 5K will be held on November 2, 2019 at the Bradford Creek Greenway, with the race start and finish at Heritage Elementary School. ...