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December 2018 Family of the Month
Family of the Month

December 2018 Family of the Month

Congratulations to the families of Tony Dailey of Council 5164 in Birmingham, Paul Boike of Council 10354 in Gardendale, and Michael Lenz of Council 11672 in Huntsville.  They were three Alabama families out of the 100 “Family of the Month” reporting forms drawn at random from among all entries received at the Supreme Council office for the month. You can learn more about the program, submit an entry online, and be among councils 4083, 5164, 10232, 10354, 11480, 11672, and 16248 who submitted forms for their Family of the Month.
Thank You on 1,000 ultrasound machines
Life, News

Thank You on 1,000 ultrasound machines

On January 14, the Supreme Knight dedicated the 1,000th ultrasound machine placed in pregnancy centers around the world. View a map of those locations. Yesterday, the Knights of Columbus released this video from the Supreme Knight thanking all those involved. You have achieved the greatest humanitarian project in the history of the Knights of Columbus. Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight Ultrasound Initiative Overview The Knights of Columbus works together as an organization to purchase ultrasound machines for qualifying pregnancy centers. After the state and/or local council raises 50% of the cost, the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council will provide the other 50% to complete funding for purchase of an ultrasound. Or, if the cou...
A message from the Supreme Knight

A message from the Supreme Knight

Dear Brother Knight:There have been times in our country’s past when uninformed or prejudiced people questioned whether Catholics could be good citizens or honest public servants. That’s why Father McGivney chose the name “Columbus” for our Order — because the discoverer was the Catholic figure from American history most admired and accepted at the time. In fact, from our founding in 1882, until the election of Brother Knight John F. Kennedy in 1960, many still held that Catholics were unfit for public office. Throughout that time, the Knights of Columbus worked to counter such prejudice.Sadly, it seems that in some quarters, this prejudice remains.i  First, in 2017 a Notre Dame law professor was deemed unfit for a federal judgeship by a United States Senator who feared that “the dogma li...
November 2018 Family of the Month
Family of the Month

November 2018 Family of the Month

Congratulations to the family of Rafael Rodriguez of Council 11480 in Enterprise.  They were the Alabama family out of the 100 “Family of the Month” reporting forms drawn at random from among all entries received at the Supreme Council office for the month. You can learn more about the program, submit an entry online, and be among councils 4083, 10354, 11480, and 16248 who submitted forms for their Family of the Month.
October 2018 Family of the Month
Family of the Month

October 2018 Family of the Month

Congratulations to the families of Tim Didyoung of Council 4083 in Tuscaloosa and Jorge Delmonte of Council 10232 in Madison.  They were two Alabama families out of the 100 “Family of the Month” reporting forms drawn at random from among all entries received at the Supreme Council office for the month. You can learn more about the program, submit an entry online, and be among councils 4083, 5164, 10232, 10354, 11480, and 11672 who submitted forms for their Family of the Month.
September 2018 Family of the Month
Family of the Month

September 2018 Family of the Month

Congratulations to the families of Michael Jolly of Council 10354 in Gardendale and Rodolfo Chavez of Council 11672 in Huntsville.  They were two Alabama families out of the 100 “Family of the Month” reporting forms drawn at random from among all entries received at the Supreme Council office for the month. You can learn more about the program, submit an entry online, and be among councils 4083, 5164, 10354, 11480, and 11672 who submitted forms for their Family of the Month.
Hurricane Michael; Our Help is Needed
Community, News

Hurricane Michael; Our Help is Needed

There is great need in NW Florida for aid and assistance.  We have been asked by the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee to assist in a specific way by providing manpower to help receive and redistribute goods that are being trucked to the area.  Currently, the volunteers on-hand cannot keep up with the massive demand, and so aid is being delayed.  If you can help, or to learn more about what is being requested of us, please visit: Information such as Locations, Dates, Times and Specific Needs can all be found by visiting the link above!
Agenda for October 2018 Regional Meetings

Agenda for October 2018 Regional Meetings

It is expected that every council will send at least one member as a representative to collect information and bring it back to their councils. It is preferred that it be the Grand Knight and another officer, but SEND SOMEONE! We will be covering a number of topics and the information provided now will help your council be successful in the remainder of the Fraternal Year. Oct 13th - Huntsville St John the Baptist 1055 Hughes Rd Madison, AL 35758 Oct 14th - Birmingham St Paul Cathedral 2120 3rd Ave N Birmingham, AL 35203 Oct 27th - Mobile St Phillip Neri 9101 Dauphin Island Parkway Theodore, AL 36582 Oct 28th - Montgomery TBD location but in the Montgomery Area. We look forward to seeing you at these upcoming meetings.
August 2018 Family of the Month
Family of the Month

August 2018 Family of the Month

Congratulations to the families of Richard Hayden of Council 5164 in Birmingham and John Bartol, Jr. of Council 11480 in Enterprise.  They were two Alabama families out of the 100 “Family of the Month” reporting forms drawn at random from among all entries received at the Supreme Council office for the month. You can learn more about the program, submit an entry online, and be among councils 4083, 5164, 10232, 10354, 10731, 11480, and 11672 who submitted forms for their Family of the Month.
Conducting Church Drives that REALLY WORK Training Webinar
Council Officers, News

Conducting Church Drives that REALLY WORK Training Webinar

Have your church drives been lack luster? Have you stopped conducting church drives because they weren't successful? You gathered names and not new members? Join us for about an hour and we will discuss proven ways to help your Council Church Drive be successful. Each council officer and member needs to be a recruiter! So everyone is invited to attend! Tuesday, August 28, 2018 7:30 PM Central Daylight Saving Time Register and Attend - Conducting Church Drives that REALLY Work Webinar Fraternal Training Sessions are conducted live and then available on-demand at a time and place convenient to individual members. Thank you, and thanks to your council, for what has been done to help those in need! Register and Attend our convenient online training to grow your council in m...