Remembrances of Archbishop Lipscomb
The current and many prior State Deputies of the Alabama State Council share memories about Archbishop-Emeritus Oscar H. Lipscomb. Archbishop Lipscomb passed away on the morning of July 15, 2020. He was the first Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Mobile, its eighth bishop, a life-long native of Mobile, and had been retired since 2008.
Joseph E. Flaherty, III - State Deputy
Dear Brother Knights and Ladies in Christ,It is with great sadness that I learned of the death of Archbishop-Emeritus of Mobile Oscar H. Lipscomb on Wednesday morning. On behalf of my brother Knights and Ladies across the State of Alabama I would like to express our shared sincere condolences on his passing. Archbishop Lipscomb was a very well respected and beloved person in the Archdiocese of Mobile and in th...