Tag: Supreme Chaplain’s Challenge

Supreme Chaplain’s Challenge – 5 Minutes to a Better Start

Supreme Chaplain’s Challenge – 5 Minutes to a Better Start

An exciting initiative called “Monthly Challenge from the Supreme Chaplain” begins today! Check out this month’s challenge below. A new challenge for each month will be shared on the Knights of Columbus social media pages, as well as in Knightline and Columbia magazine. It is also available in multiple languages at kofc.org. Engage in the challenge and put your faith into action today! Vivat Jesus! If we are honest, we know that we men are not that good at “coming away…to a deserted place” to “rest a while.” In fact we know that over 80 percent of us check our smart phone even before brushing our teeth in the morning, and spend time on it in the last hour before we go to sleep. Like the apostles, we focus on getting a lot done. But let’s imagine what would happen if we truly r...