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2021 Convention Meeting Materials

2021 Convention Meeting Materials

Here are the materials for the State Convention to be held Saturday, April 24, 2021, at 9:00am. Supreme Knight's Greeting Letter to Alabama State Deputy Supreme Knight's Convention Video Address Virtual State Meeting Special Rules of Order Patrick Kelly, Supreme Knight 2020 Minutes State Convention - Virtual - April 23, 2020 Reports of Committees, Chairmen, & Directors Resolutions & Bylaws Committee & Recommended State Bylaws Financial Reports Convention Committee Location Committee Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities Special Olympics Chairman Seminarians Chairman: Page 1, Page 2 Disaster Awareness Chairman Marian Hour Chairman Soccer Challenge Chairman Reports from Griffin Shreves If there are ...
Training Opportunities as of January 2021

Training Opportunities as of January 2021

Delta Church Drives A one-hour workshop on how to conduct the newest version of a church drive.  The Delta Church Drive is a simpler & friendlier program that integrates the Online Membership system. Thursday, January 14 7:00pmSaturday, January 16 12:30pmThursday, February 11 7:00pmSaturday, February 13 12:30pmThursday, March 11 7:00pmSaturday, March 20 12:30pm Register at Making a Lasting Difference in Your Community A 40-minute workshop to learn how to successfully grow your council to meet the needs of your parish and local community while seamlessly integrating your council into the life of your parish. Tuesday, January 12 7:00pmSaturday, January 16 11:00amTuesday, February 9 7:00pmSa...
2020-2021 Midyear Meeting

2020-2021 Midyear Meeting

Worthy State Officers, District Deputies, Directors and Chairman, The 2021 Mid-Year Meeting will be a face-to-face meeting, and this meeting will be for State Officers, District Deputies, Directors and Chairmen.  Grand Knights Are Not Required to Attend.  The Meeting will at Holy Spirit Church in Montgomery and will begin at 9:00 AM and is scheduled to end around 3:00 PM. Lunch will be served.  We need to know if you will be attending or not so there can be a have a head count for Lunch. The Lunch is prepared in advance; there are no extras. RSVP to John Bares. If you don't respond, you will be placed on the not attending list. Date; Saturday January 9th, 2021Time; Start at 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Address; Holy Spirit Ch...
October 2020 Newsletter

October 2020 Newsletter

The Alabama State Council has started a newsletter. Download Newsletter If you have items you would like included in the newsletter or listed on the website, let us know!
2019-2020 Awards Winners
Community, Faith, Family, Life, News

2019-2020 Awards Winners

These Award Winners for the 2019-2020 Fraternal Year were announced during the State Organizational Meeting held July 11. Congratulations to all the winners. Faith Programs State Deputy Award Runner-upGadsden Council 3568Grand Knight Jim Ford State Deputy AwardSt. Joseph the Worker, Gardendale, Council 10354Grand Knight Ken Friedrich Supreme Award"2nd Annual Spiritual Reflection Retreat"Tuscaloosa Council 4083Grand Knight John Pomerleau Tuscaloosa Council 4083's 2nd Annual Spiritual Reflection Retreat Community Programs State Deputy Award Runner-upPrince of Peace, Hoover, Council 11537Grand Knight Jeffrey Allen State Deputy AwardGadsden Council 3568Grand Knight Jim Ford Supreme Award"2020 Awards Banquet"Immaculate Conception, Mobile, Council 4888Grand Knight Ni...