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2022 Convention Meeting Materials

2022 Convention Meeting Materials

Here are the materials for the State Convention to be held Saturday, April 23, 2022. 2021 Minutes State Convention - Virtual - April 24, 2021 Reports of Committees, Chairmen, & Directors Resolutions & Bylaws Committee & Recommended State Bylaws (Clean, Redline) St. Joseph Icon Itinerary Special Olympics Report Report Forms Director Report Pilgrim Icon Keep Christ in Christmas Report Hispanic Coordinator Chairman Summary Disaster Awareness News Training Director Report Catholic Essay Contest Report Greeting from the Supreme Knight Watch Video Photographs from the weekend Photo Album - If you have photos you'd like to add to the album, please contact us. Additional reports will be published here as they are pr...
State Convention April 22-24, 2022

State Convention April 22-24, 2022

Here are the links to the is the 2022 Alabama State Convention Packet and Registration forms and online registration. All councils should be represented at the convention.  There are significant costs associated with putting on this required event.  The hotel requires we guarantee so many room nights therefore it is very important that they plan on staying at the hotel. Please help us encourage them to solicit ads for the program. Sell $1000 worth of ad space and we'll reimburse them for one room night. 
Spring 2022 Regional Meeting Location, Dates & Dates to Remember

Spring 2022 Regional Meeting Location, Dates & Dates to Remember

Regional Meetings are just around the corner. Here are some dates for you to Remember, please write them down on your Calendars.These dates will be on the Calendar on the Alabama Website also with all the information, locations and times. Fourth Degree Exemplification February 19th, 2022, A Fourth Degree Exemplification in Birmingham, 11am-6:15pmLocation; Our Lady of Valley Catholic Church, 5514 Double Oak Ln, Birmingham, AL. 35242 South Regional Meeting March 5th 2022, Saturday, Regional Meeting in Montgomery, 9am-12pmLocation; St Bede Catholic Church 3870 Atlanta Hwy, Montgomery, AL. March 6th 2022, Sunday, Regional Meeting in Mobile , 9am-12pmLocation; Little Flower Catholic Church, (School cafeteria)2053 Government St, Mobile, AL 36606 State Free Throw Championsh...
Star Tracker – February 2022

Star Tracker – February 2022

Attached is the up to Date star tracker that I would like to share with you, for you all to go over and getfamiliar with this report, if you haven't already. This will help you with all your councils information and where they stand on there goals, on all Reports, Membership Goals and District Goals. With this being said you should now know be able to address each councils needs and what areas that they lacking and are struggling with, where we are able to Help struggling councils. I will be sending the Alabama Star Tracker Report out every month to all of you to go over and to understand each councils progress.
2021 Convention Meeting Materials

2021 Convention Meeting Materials

Here are the materials for the State Convention to be held Saturday, April 24, 2021, at 9:00am. Supreme Knight's Greeting Letter to Alabama State Deputy Supreme Knight's Convention Video Address Virtual State Meeting Special Rules of Order Patrick Kelly, Supreme Knight 2020 Minutes State Convention - Virtual - April 23, 2020 Reports of Committees, Chairmen, & Directors Resolutions & Bylaws Committee & Recommended State Bylaws Financial Reports Convention Committee Location Committee Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities Special Olympics Chairman Seminarians Chairman: Page 1, Page 2 Disaster Awareness Chairman Marian Hour Chairman Soccer Challenge Chairman Reports from Griffin Shreves If there are ...
Training Opportunities as of January 2021

Training Opportunities as of January 2021

Delta Church Drives A one-hour workshop on how to conduct the newest version of a church drive.  The Delta Church Drive is a simpler & friendlier program that integrates the Online Membership system. Thursday, January 14 7:00pmSaturday, January 16 12:30pmThursday, February 11 7:00pmSaturday, February 13 12:30pmThursday, March 11 7:00pmSaturday, March 20 12:30pm Register at Making a Lasting Difference in Your Community A 40-minute workshop to learn how to successfully grow your council to meet the needs of your parish and local community while seamlessly integrating your council into the life of your parish. Tuesday, January 12 7:00pmSaturday, January 16 11:00amTuesday, February 9 7:00pmSa...